Vegan Shamrock Shake

Its a delightful St Patricks day treat - refreshing minty taste and perfectly pastel green, and now its vegan! Today, we're showing you how to make this special treat in your own home!
You will need;
☘ 6 cups vegan ice-cream (We love Swedish Glace)
☘ 1 cup non-dairy milk (We're using coconut) 
☘ 1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract
☘ 8 - 10 drops vegan green food colouring
☘ Vegan spray cream
☘ Green sprinkles (we're using Vegan chocolate beans)

To make your shake;
☘ Pop the ice-cream into blender and pour in the non-dairy milk.
☘ Add in your peppermint extract, vanilla and food colouring
☘ Whizz it all up!
☘ If you like you could add some more green colouring and whizz again!
☘ Divide the drink between 2 tall glasses
☘ Top with a generous helping of vegan spray cream and some cute greens sprinkles!
How do you celebrate St.Patricks day? Be happy, safe and be sure to wear something green!