Vegan Croc pot hot choc

It's that time of year; candles, movies, twinkling lights ...and hot chocolate! The festive season just wouldn't be the same without a delicious, creamy hot choc to cuddle between your hands! So, in today's post, we're showing you how to do just that - and, bonus, its vegan!

Of course these recipes can be made the non-vegan way too, but we thought it would be great to share some recipes which anyone can enjoy! You'll need a couple of base ingredients like non-dairy milk and dark chocolate and then a few extras to really get those festive flavours! We like to prepare our hot chocolate in the slow cooker; you can throw everything in there together, let it all combine slowly and enjoy it once the night draws in!


Everyone enjoys a tipple at Christmas and this decadent hot chocolate brings together vegan almond milk baileys and creamy chocolate. The ultimate festive treat! This recipe makes around 4 cups so you can add to it to make as many cups as required.

Gather together 
. 4 cup non-dairy milk.
. 4-8 shots of vegan Baileys 
. 3 cups 85% dark chocolate
. 4 tbsp maple syrup
. Vegan spray cream

Simply pop everything into your slow cooker and allow it to melt and blend (be sure to break your chocolate up into pieces). Give it around 2 hours on the slow or low setting. Once its ready you may need to stir it around a little as the chocolate can settle at the bottom. Ladle it into your favourite festive mugs and top with a generous amount of vegan spray cream and some shaved dark chocolate! Delicious!


Gather together;
. 4 cups non-dairy milk
. 3 cup 85% dark chocolate
. 4 tsp orange zest
. Pinch seasalt
. Pinch ground cinnamon
. Vegan spray cream

As before, pop everything into your slow cooker and allow to warm through for 2 hours on the low or slow setting. Give everything a good stir once you are ready to serve and top generously with vegan spray cream and a little dusting of orange zest for an extra kick!

How do you enjoy your hot chocolate during the festive season? We hope you liked todays recipes .. keep your eye on our blog for more coming very soon!