Blogger of the Month March; SheFliesWithHerOwnWings

We're officially a quarter of a way though the year now (where has that time gone?!), and we're also welcoming our third Bella&Bear Blogger of The Month! She's hard working, she's beautiful and she's a real down-to-earth sweetheart aspiring to help others. Please help us in welcoming Lauren from SheFliesWithHerOwnWings blog

You may have read our January and February Blogger of the Month posts, so you will know that this scheme is all about showcasing some of our favourite bloggers and getting to know them -and their blogs - a little better! 

1. Hey there Lauren! Tell us a little about yourself and your blog.
Hi! I live in Suffolk with my two sons, Charles and Harry, our three cats and two tortoises. I’ve been blogging since 2011, when I was pregnant with my second son. My blog started very family orientated but over the last three or four years is more of a lifestyle blog and has focused a lot on mental health, my divorce and “finding myself”.

2. As well as working hard at your job and running your long-standing blog you are also a mum of two young boys! We find this so inspiring and wonder what keeps you motivated to keep doing everything that you do?!
Since being a “single mum” (a term I really dislike) I think my motivation has mostly been on strength and at the end of the day or week being able to look back and feel like I achieved something. I made a rule to be kind to myself and to never really put too much pressure on getting things done, so I don’t mind too much if my housework slips, if we have a lazy dinner or if bed time is a little later than usual.

With my job my motivation is to have happy customers and to tick off my to-do list, but with my blog I am motivated by keeping it updated and to feel as though I am writing content that I am proud of.

3. Which is the one beauty product you couldn't live without as a busy mum?

It would have to be tweezers I think. I’m quite happy to go without make up but can’t really stand having completely unruly eyebrows.

4. You're an advocate for being more open about our mental health, and aspire to work with others who struggle with mental health too. We truly admire this and think it is such an important topic. How has being open about your mental health helped you to grow as a person, and through your blogging?

That’s a really lovely compliment, thank you. I think it’s really important to be open about my mental health and having lived with depression and anxiety since I was 14 it has obviously been a big part of my life. I’m the type of person who wants to understand why I feel certain things, what has affected me and what still affects me, and to try and understand what I can do to help myself.

I’m not ashamed of my mental health and of how I am and if talking about my own mental health helps someone else to feel better, to feel normal or to seek help then that makes it all worth it.

5. Share your favourite beauty tip with us!

My biggest beauty tip used to be to shave your legs using baby lotion. I now either use baby lotion, coconut oil or a thick body scrub, I find it leaves the skin smoother for longer and makes me feel a lot more confident.

6. Much like us, you love cats - even having three of your own! What special qualities do you feel that your animals bring to your life?

I share my children with their dad so they only live with me half of the week. The other half of the week I am a crazy cat lady really and love having my cats keeping me company. In October/November last year I rescued my black cat, Ainsley. He was around 4 or 5 months old and at the time I was having a really hard time with my depression and feeling unloved really. Ainsley completely fixed that and is the most affectionate, loving cat.

7. What is your favourite Bella&Bear piece?

I’ve always been really picky when it comes to hairbrushes and absolutely love the paddle brush. I have quite thick hair which is why I have always been quite fussy and I find this brush perfect to cope with any knots or stubborn waves.

We absolutely loved getting to know Lauren and her blog better - isn't she such an inspiring young lady? We love her strength and her determination and of course, we can truly relate to her crazy cat lady status! If you'd like to learn more about Lauren and her blog you can find her writing here, as well as her Insta snaps and her Facebook and Twitter feeds!

To thank Lauren for her wonderful interview, we are offering her readers - new and returning - a special Bella&Bear discount code! Simply enter code 'SFWHOW15' in our online store for 15% off of your order throughout March!